Butterscotch caramel coffee: the sweetest escape!

Butterscotch caramel coffee: the sweetest escape!

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We all love caramel coffee, so today we decided to take our basic caramel coffee a notch up with some butterscotch ice cream to make this the best summer drink ever!

Follow these super easy steps to make the creamiest caramel coffee at home with just a few ingredients.


1 spoon Country Bean Caramel Coffee

2 spoon caramel sauce(syrup)

1 glass of milk

Vanilla or butter scotch ice cream asper taste.

More caramel sauce for topping


Combine coffee powder, sugar and 2 spoon of warm water in a bowl.

Whisk the above ingredients using hand beater, whisk or electric beater until it forms a smooth cream as that of Dalgona Coffee.

Add caramel sauce and milk little by little to the whipped coffee and combine everything well, once it is done we should be able to get a super creamy coffee.

Chill this for some time and then pour into glasses and top it with a scoop of Vanilla or butterscotch ice cream and drizzle caramel syrup.

If you wish to drink it instantly, you could even add cold milk and top it off with the ice cream and serve immediately.

Caramel 100% Arabica Instant Coffee 50g

Caramel 100% Arabica Instant Coffee 50g

Rs. 325

FEATURED IN THE EXPERIENCE  Discover the buttery sweet notes highlighted by caramel coffee- the perfect way to start your day. It's easy to see why this is one of our most popular flavoured coffee powders. DESCRIPTION Contains : 100% premium… "read more"

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